
A plugin for the VIM text editor that provides quick and easy access to perldoc. The perldoc text is displayed in a new window. This window is reused for subsequent lookups if left open. When looking up a module filetype is set to perl so it is correctly highlighted, if syntax highlighting is turned on.

The functions can accept an argument for the topic to lookup. If no argument is supplied they will prompt for the topic.

Lookup a regular expression using perldoc -q.
Lookup a topic using perldoc.
Lookup a function using perldoc -f.
Lookup a module using perldoc -m.
Lookup a Perl builtin variable using perldoc perlvar.

Key Mappings:

Lookup the selected text in visual mode or the word under the cursor in normal mode using perldoc.
Prompt for a topic to lookup using perldoc.
Lookup the selected text in visual mode or the word under the cursor in normal mode using perldoc -f.
Prompt for a function to lookup using perldoc -f.
Lookup the selected text in visual mode or the word under the cursor in normal mode using perldoc -m.
Prompt for a module to display using perldoc -m.
Lookup the selected text in visual mode or the word under the cursor in normal mode using perldoc -q.
Prompt for a regular expression to lookup using perldoc -q.
Lookup the selected text in visual mode or the word under the cursor in normal mode using perldoc perlvar.
Prompt for a Perl builtin variable and look it up using perldoc perlvar.


  1. Unzip the file in your .vim directory.
  2. Optionall update your help tags. Help on the functions and plugin will not be available until this is done. Typing ":helptags ~/.vim/doc/" while in VIM should do it.

If you find any problems or have any suggestions please feel free to email me at LoranceStinson+perlhelp AT gmail DOT com.

It is available as PKZip.
Also on, script # 1913.
Last updated 2007-06-15. Version 1.3.


  • 1.5 2007-06-22:
    • Added lookup of Perl builtin variables via \pv and PerlVar.
    • Now loads default topics when no topic is provided.
  • 1.4 2007-06-22:
    • When lookup up a function strip everything up to, and including, '->'. This will make methods be looked up instead of the object the method is called from.
  • 1.3 2007-06-15:
    • Enhanced the handling of module and general help topic lookup.
    • Set the file type to man when looking up general perl help topics.
  • 1.2 2007-06-14:
    • Removed 'setlocal iskeyword+=:' and used <cWORD> and a substitution as suggested by Erik Falor.
  • 1.1 2007-06-13:
    • Added 'setlocal iskeyword+=:' to account for :'s in module names.


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