CIDThis is a small application that reads Caller ID information from a modem and stores it in an SHQL database. It consists of a small program to watch a modem and read CID information, a database template with examples for SHQL and a program that watches the database for new calls. The watching program can send notifications several different ways defaulting to printing the CID information. It can also ring the terminal bell, send an email and execute a program. The watching program also checks the table cid for a number matching the CID number. If a match is found looks up that person in the people table. If the person is found then information from the people table is printed along with the CID information. This is a really simple program that is intended to be modified. It works perfectly for my purposes, other people might want it to do more. The database is quite simple and could be the basis for a complete address book. The watching script only prints out some of the information it finds in the database. This can be customized and must be updated if the database is altered. Installation:
Sample Output: System Time: 2006-01-04 09:42:54 CID Name: FRIEND CID Number: 2222222222 CID Date: 01-04 CID Time: 09:42 DB Name: Good Friend DB Email: friend@home.tld DB AltEmail: friend@work.tld DB Home: (222) 222-2222 DB Cell: (333) 333-3333 DB Work: (888) 888-8888 DB Note: Home System Time: 2006-01-04 11:05:39 CID Name: UNKNOWN NAME CID Number: 6666666666 CID Date: 01-04 CID Time: 11:05 No database entry found. It is available as a Gziped tar file. CAUTION: Do not modify the calls table while the and/or programs are running. Doing so will cause strange unexpected problems. |